Matura Marketing


Our Approach

Inbound Digital Marketing For Senior Living

When scaled to meet your goals, these digital marketing strategies form the five essential cogs in your flywheel. Each serve a critical role in your digital marketing program, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 

Paid Search (PPC)

Most senior living prospects – whether adult children influencers or independent seniors – will conduct an online search at the earliest stages of the customer journey. An investment in paid search advertising (PPC) ensures you are always in the consideration set. An investment in organic search helps you compete for higher rank in searches like “senior living near me.” You need both to feed the flywheel. 

Organic Search (SEO)

The key to organic rank starts and stops with a responsive website optimized for Google’s ranking algorithms. Website architecture, inbound links, internal links, content, landing pages, keywords, speed, security and countless other ranking signals drive SEO performance. Building business citations and optimizing Google My Business listings are also key factors that go a long way toward boosting page rank.

Content Marketing

Once upon a time, content marketing consisted of a blog. In order to rank in search results today, content must be expertly crafted, authoritative and trustworthy, according to Google’s EAT algorithm. It also plays a key role in how search engines rate the quality of your website, which factors into your rank. In short, you must have quality content of all types to compete for shopper’s attention on page one search results. 

Marketing Automation

After you’ve spent time and money on capturing leads using search engine marketing, content and advertising, it would be a shame to lose them after one phone call or form fill. Marketing automation solves for the long sales cycle in senior living by automating ongoing communications with leads and delivering relevant and timely information that engages, educates and guides prospects down a path that ends with a sale, lease or move-in.  

Digital Advertising

There is more opportunity now—and more channels than ever—to generate leads online. Display, Facebook, YouTube and other platforms combined with advanced targeting strategies not only fill your flywheel with new leads, but qualify them earlier in the journey. Add to that the accessibility of personal identity information  and your digital marketing forms a more personalized omni-channel experience.

Using Digital Marketing To

Lift Occupancy