Matura Marketing


Converting Prospects To Move-Ins

In senior living, few things are more important than converting prospects into move-ins. It is the end goal, after all. But the journey from discovery to move-in is long and made longer still by the recent pandemic. Don’t leave all the heavy lifting to your sales team. Marketing automation can accelerate conversions by shrinking the time between inquiry and move-in.


Advancing Leads Through Automation

Marketing automation serves a critical role in the customer journey. Lead nurturing campaigns and automated workflows keep prospects engaged throughout the senior living sales cycle while forging a relationship built on trust. When done properly, prospects will begin to perceive you as an advisor, authority and resource, so when the time comes to move-in, you’ll be the first one they call. 


Ready. Aim. Convert More Leads To Move-Ins.

Digital marketing is a constantly moving target. Don’t waste time and money on target practice.
Leverage time-tested digital marketing strategies to help you achieve peak occupancy faster. 


Apply insight into the
online behavior of
mature audiences.


Target prospects along
every phase of their
digital journey.


Capture, engage and
convert digital leads into

Using Digital Marketing To

Drive Occupancy