Matura Marketing

Simplify Onboarding in Senior Living With Marketing Automation

Nurturing prospects throughout the digital online journey from inquiry to move in is a crucial strategy in your marketing plan, or at least it should be. Especially during the challenging pandemic years, marketing automation platforms have emerged as a powerful tool that can complement other forms of digital marketing and streamline the onboarding process. In fact, marketing automation has become a mainstay, shaping the modern way senior living operators attract, nurture, and convert prospects into residents.

Marketing Automation Technology

Before diving into the specifics of building an onboarding strategy, it helps to understand what marketing automation entails. Easy peasy, right?

Marketing automation refers to the use of technology to automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as email campaigns, social media posting, lead nurturing, and more. By leveraging personalized email drips, valuable content, and lead nurturing workflows, senior living operators can provide a personalized and engaging experience for prospects, ultimately driving conversions and building long-term relationships.

For example, by setting up automated workflows in a marketing automation tool like HubSpot, senior living operators can automate touch points, nurturing leads through a personalized journey. The key to high performance involves delivering the right content at the right time.

Marketing Automation Tasks

HubSpot is a leading marketing automation platform that offers a range of tools designed to simplify marketing processes. Its user-friendly interface and powerful features make it an ideal choice for senior living operators. Some benefits of HubSpot’s marketing automation platform include:

  • Email Automation: HubSpot helps operators maintain hundreds of customized email drips, delivering personalized content to prospects at various stages of their digital journey. This automated approach ensures that leads receive timely and relevant information, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

  • Lead Nurturing: With HubSpot, senior living operators can set up automated workflows that nurture leads by sending educational content based on the unique preferences and interests of the prospective residents. By providing valuable resources and addressing pain points and sales obstacles, operators can build trust and boost conversions.

  • Personalization: HubSpot’s platform allows for deep personalization, tailoring content and messaging to individual leads or “personas.” Whether it’s using dynamic content or personalized email templates, this level of personalization creates a more tailored experience that resonates with prospects.

Most recently, HubSpot introduced HubSpot AI, which enable senior living operators to make even deeper connections with prospects, influencing the way they interact on digital platforms.

Building an Onboarding Strategy

If you are not already leveraging marketing automation, you may be a little late to the party. Better late than never.

To get starting on building a successful onboarding strategy, follow these four steps or call Matura Marketing for a digital marketing audit.

  • Define Your Buyer Personas: Understand your target audience by creating detailed buyer personas. Identify their pain points, preferences, and aspirations, and use this knowledge to tailor your onboarding strategy accordingly. At a minimum, senior living operators should create personas for an independent senior, an adult child influencer and grandchild.

  • Develop Compelling Content: Craft engaging content that highlights the unique features and benefits of your senior living community. Consider creating educational resources, virtual tours, or success stories that resonate with potential residents.

  • Design Workflow and Email Drips: Map out a workflow that guides leads from initial inquiry to move-in. Using HubSpot’s platform, create automated email drips that deliver the right content at each stage of the journey. These drips can include welcome emails, testimonials, event invitations, and more, fostering engagement and interest.

  • Set Up Lead Scoring and Notifications: Implement lead scoring to prioritize leads based on their engagement level. With lead notifications, your sales teams can receive alerts when a prospect reaches a significant level of interest, allowing for timely follow-ups and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Analyze and Optimize For Performance

Once your onboarding strategy is up and running, your digital marketing agency should analyze and optimize to maintain high performance. At Matura Marketing, we love how HubSpot’s analytics tools compile insights such as email open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates in beautiful dashboards that guide marketing decisions. Making data-driven decisions to improve engagement and maximize the effectiveness of your onboarding strategy is super easy in this tool.

Using Content To

Connect To Seniors